About Us
Twin Boroughs Sanitary Authority
The Twin Boroughs Sanitary Authority Wastewater Treatment Plant is owned and operated by the Authority, and serves users in Mifflin Borough, Mifflintown Borough, and portions of Fermanagh Township, Walker Township, and Milford Township, all in Juniata County, Pennsylvania.
Twin Boroughs Sanitary Authority
17 River Drive
Mifflin, PA 17058
(717) 436-8380
Richard Zimmerman, Jr.
The TBSA wastewater treatment plant was initially constructed in the 1960s to provide primary treatment and was upgraded to secondary treatment in 1974. To resolve wastewater treatment plant loading and NPDES compliance issues, the plant was upgraded and expanded during the 1999-2000 construction year. The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treatment facility was placed online June 12, 2000. A chemical phosphorus removal system was added in 2013. The TBSA facility is located along the Juniata River in Milford Township and discharges its effluent into the Juniata River.
The Twin Boroughs Sanitary Authority operates under the effluent limits of NPDES Permit No. PA0023264.
The Twin Boroughs Sanitary Authority owns and operates a collection system consisting of approximately 29.8 miles of separate gravity sanitary sewers including:
- 5.6 miles within Mifflin and Mifflintown Borough
- 7.3 miles within Walker Township
- 6.7 miles within Milford Township
- 10.2 miles within Fermanagh Township
The TBSA collection and conveyance system includes six (6) pump stations. The main influent pump station conveys all collected wastewater to the treatment plant. The three Mexico Pumping Stations were constructed as part of the Village of Mexico sanitary sewer extension project completed in December of 2001. The Milford Township Pumping Station was constructed in 2008, and it is maintained by TBSA staff. The pumping capacity of all three Mexico Pumping Station was increased as part of the Pump Station improvement project completed in early 2011. The pump station in Fermanagh Township was constructed in 2023 and is for the expansion of the Juniata County Industrial Park Expansion Project.